For the colours in just mentioned region (i.e. ['y']), the mixture is done with the complement colour. This is specified by a ray going from the giving "colour" through "white" to the boundary of the horse-shoe. With that intersection the complement colour is found (['x']).
the plot of the second colour matching function
This is inconsistent with the human visual system as the cones in the eye do not react distinctively to one particular wavelength but each cone to a range of them.
Gouraud shading approaches shading a little more sophisticated. Here, the normals at each vertex of the polygone are computed and thus the colour at that points. Than an interpolation of the colour along the edges of the polygone and for the area between the edges is done. The result is an image with a nice colour distribution.
In this example, there is one case in which no difference between flat and Gouraud shading should be visible: if the light source is directly above the intersection of the diagonals of the quadratic ground plane (as if it was the top point of a pyramide). Then the angle to each vertex' normal stays constant thus the colour wouldn't change, resulting in a not shaded but constantly coloured plane.
But this case is not given here, as the light source is set asymmetrical above the ground plane. This has its middle in (0,0) in the y-plane but the light source has a z-coordinate of 8.0. Now it's clear why the colour slightly changes when switching from flat to Gouraud shading: The part of the plane whose points' normals have a smaller deviation to the light vector is rendered brighter. Points which are more distant from the lightsource and thus have a greater deviation between normal and light vector are rendered darker. When changing the shading mode this different colouring comes apparent.
One explanation which is coherent to me could be that with the cone the space to do an interpolation between two edges along a face becomes smaller and smaller when approaching the top. The cylinder at the same level of tesselation can trick our visual system by interpolation between the different colours at the faces' edges, so it seems "round" to us. But with the cone the gradient in colour changes to fast, there is no smooth appearance anymore which could fool our eyes. Thus we need more tessalations.
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