Painting and Non-Photorealistic Graphics

Session Chair: J. P. Lewis
(University of Southern California)

1. WYSIWYG NPR: Drawing Strokes Directly on 3D Models
Robert D. Kalnins, Lee Markosian, Barbara J. Meier, Michael A. Kowalski, Joseph C. Lee, Philip L. Davidson, Matthew Webb, John F. Hughes, Adam Finkelstein

Link To Paper (PDF, 2.5MB)

2. Painting and Rendering Textures on Unparameterized Models
David (grue) DeBry, Jonathan Gibbs, Devorah DeLeon Petty, Nate Robins

Link To Paper (PDF, 4.7MB)

3. Stylization and Abstraction of Photographs
Doug DeCarlo, Anthony Santella

Link To Paper (PDF, 1.8MB)

4. Object-Based Image Editing
William A. Barrett, Alan S. Cheney

Link To Paper (PDF, 16MB)

5. Octree Textures
David Benson, Joel Davis

Link To Paper (PDF, 2.0MB)