Reviewed paper:

WYSIWYG NPR: Drawing Strokes Directly on 3D Models


Ideas for a tutorial:




How to create strokes

-        silhouette lines

-        crease lines

-        decal strokes

-        structured / free / mobile hatching


Stroke visibility


Real-time algorithms for stroke generation




How to simulate types of natural media

-        watercolour

-        clay

-        ….





Assigned topic:





A. Lake, C. Marshall, M. Harris and M. Blackstein, Stylized rendering techniques for scaleable real-time 3D animation, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97, p.415-420


P.-P.J. Sloan, W. Martin, A. Gooch and B. Gooch, The Lit Sphere: A Model for Capturing NPR Shading from Art, SIGGRAPH


N. Halper, S. Schlechtweg and T. Strohthotte, Creating Non-Photorealistic Images the Designer’s Way, SIGGRAPH


L. Streit, O. Veryovka and J. Buchanan, Non-photorealistic Rendering Using an Adaptative Halftoning Technique, SIGGRAPH


J. Claes, F. DiFiore, G. Vansichem. F. Van Reeth, Fast 3D Cartoon Rendering with Improved Quality by Exploiting Graphics Hardware, SIGGRAPH


A.Gooch, B.Gooch, P. Shirley and E.Cohen, A Non-Photorealsitic Lighting Model for Automatic Technical Illustration, In: Computer Graphics, July 1998, ACM Siggraph ’98 Conference Proceedings


Useful to get

T. Akenine-Möller and E. Haines, Real-Time Rendering  2nd edition, A.K. Peters Ltd, 2002


B. Hogarth, Dynamic Light and Shade, Watson-Guptill Plublications, New York, 1981



The tutorial’s content:


-        short Introduction to NPR (Lake, p.1)

-        introduction to shading and cartoon shading (before – after images as examples) (Lake, p.2)

-        rendering: real-time vs. raytracing -> the approach (explanation: Lake, p.3)

-        current OpenGL specification is not sufficient (Lake, p.3) -> see algorithm and calculations (Lake, p.3)

-        problems: colour quantisation or texture-mapping can lead to stair-case effects or too fuzzy-borders (Claes, p.1) “Higher levels of antialiasing produce better results. Insufficient antialiasing is particularly noticeable where ink lines are drawn: the lines chatter during animation (in some cases, the lines show the dreaded "jaggies").”

-        resolved by  subdivision of border pixel (Claes, p.2)

-        potential limitation: tone and texture are mixed (Streit, p.2)

-        variations and the resulting effects: double source lighting, shadow-and-highlight

-        derived style: pencil sketch shading

-        the real cartoon-style: shading combined with stylistic inking (silhouettes) and motion lines

-        remark on implementation: HijackGL as possibility to overcome OpenGL limitations (              

How-to design a tutorial


When using chapters and lessons or a similar format, users may sometimes want to have their current location identified.


Begin each chapter and each lesson with an objective, the general or particular information that the user will (hopefully) learn.


Since scripts serve people with varying degrees of computer proficiency, break information into digestible sections. Make each separate action a distinct sentence. Avoid run-on sentences.


Set an upper limit to the amount of text you put on each page that does not contain internal links; somewhere between 300 and 600 words per page is reasonable. You should decide on a specific number based on your audience, your content, and how the text fits into our overall design. Research has shown that a few long, scrollable pages on a single topic are easier to download and print than several short pages.


Studies have concluded that web surfers are more likely to read more of a page with several short paragraphs, than if the same content was contained in a few long paragraphs. Break up paragraphs with a line break, and not by indenting the new paragraph.


Although consistency is important in all design, it's especially important in Web design. Because one mouse click can send someone to a new section instantly, a consistent style provides visual cues to let people know where they are.


Structure of my tutorial


  1. Aims (Describe what the lesson is about. Write an introduction that will give students some background about your topic. Try to interest them.)
  2. Objectives (What is the task that the student(s) must undertake? What are the guiding questions that students need to keep in mind in order to accomplish their task? You should briefly outline for student(s) what they are expected to learn.)
  3. Methods (Give students directions on this work. Process explanation.)
  4. Implementation (algorithms)
  5. Reflection (Ask students what new questions did the issue(s) generate? Why would these new questions be important in answering the original question(s)?)
  6. Results (Explain to students how the conclusion will offer the opportunity to engage in further analysis.)