Edge detection in colour images

COMPSCI 775ST Assignment 1
From: 31/07/2002
Due: 09/08/2002 2:00pm




There are a lot of image files available. Choose one or a few of them that are appropriate for the assignment. The followings are some images you may use in the assignment.


You need to investigate, comment and compare the performance of at least TWO edge detection methods of your choice.

Edge detection method


SOBEL operators 

Simple, briefly mentioned in the lecture. 

Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) filter 

Mentioned in the lecture. 

Castan edge operators, Gradient method 

Discussed in the lecture in detail. 

Castan edge operators, Zero-crossings method 

Discussed in the lecture in detail. 


Simple, outside of the scope of this paper. 

Morphological Edge operator 

Simple, outside of the scope of this paper. 

Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) filter 

Outside of the scope of this paper. 

KIRSCH operators 

Outside of the scope of this paper. 

Deriche Edge Operator 

Outside of the scope of this paper. 

Contra-harmonic Filter 

Outside of the scope of this paper.


Our results

Questions to be answered

Our results

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