[1] Script zu Allgemeine Psychologie II, Emotion & Motivation (PDF): Grundlagen und verschiedene Theorien zu Gesichtsausdrücken, ihrer Bedeutung und Entstehnung
[3] Vorlesung zum Thema Emotionen und Gesichtsausdrücke: mehr praktische Aspekte (z.B. Auswirkung auf Gedächtnisleistung) im Gegensatz zu [1]
[4] Synchronisation in der emotionalen Kommunikation: Non-verbale Kommunikation, Modelle, Verhaltenstest in strukturierter Interaktion von Traumatisierten
[5] Facial Expressions, Emotion Expressions, Nonverbal Communication, Physiognomy
[6] HUMAINE (Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion): EU project on Emotions and Human-Machine Interaction
[7] Emotion Extraction Engine: Expressive Image generator (PDF)
[8] Towards Authentic Emotion Recognition (PDF): literature review, automatic recognition, training the classfyer, test on Authentic Expression Databases)
[9] Issues in Multimodal Nonverbal Communication and Emotion in ... (PDF): Blending of Emotions!
[10] Exporting Vector Muscles for Facial Animation (PDF): Water's vector Muscel Model explained & refined
[11] Mixed feelings: Expression of non-basic emotions in a muscle-based talking head (PDF): algorithm for generating facial expressions for a continuum of pure and mixed emotions of varying intensity, ohne test
[12] Creating Emotions and facial Expressions (PDF): combining basic emotions in quality and quantity with a fuzy rule based system, no emperical test
[13] Generation of facial expressions from Emotion using a Fuzzy Rule Based System: as above, but with emperical test!
[14] Synthesizing Realistic Faces: global & regional blending, with facial model published!
[15] Evaluation multimodaler Computersysteme in frühen Entwicklungsphasen