The national museum 'Te Papa' was showing the special exhibition on the Harley Davidson motor bikes and the making of the movie 'Lord of the Rings'. |
The ONE ring to rule them all - central piece in the special exhibition to the 'Lord of the Rings'. |
We had a short look on the standard and free exhibitions in Te Papa as well. They are very much 'hands-on' and especially interesting for kids and families. |
There is a large Maori section with skulptures and art especially made for the Te Papa. |
A central role in the relationship between Maori and Pakeha (immigrants from other countries, mostly Europe) plays the treaty of Watangi, which is displayed in an english and a Maori copy in Te Papa. |
This motorcycle which hold three world records was manufactured by Mr Britten by hand. It features a complete new concept for an engine, which makes it faster and more efficient. It's the only of it's kind, as its inventor died after the completition. |